Sunday, October 31, 2010


Food is trendy. Around the world many initiatives have started to increase the public awareness about the impact of food production and distribution on cities. In the Hague, the artist Debra Solomon (check her culiblog!) works with Stroom on a very interesting project in the densely populated and multicultural area of Schilderswijk. The project explores the potential for integrating urban agriculture (UA) into existing social and green infrastructure in this ward. (Illustrations by Jacques Abelman)

Saturday, October 23, 2010

climate change proof

The "high tide heels" made by belgium artist Paul Schietekat caused a lot of fun at the Scupad meeting in The Hague. The shoes are displayed at Gallery Colours.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

world urban campaign

The ISOCARP conference was an excellent moment to hear about new initiatives such as the World Urban Campaign including the 100 cities initiative . At the moment 11 cities are selected and they are recruiting more. Wouldn’t it be great to submit The Hague? Vienna, Chicago, Kabul and Alicante are within the first 11.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Bicycle diaries

A basket on the back of your bike is definitely also a trend in Africa.

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Nyama Choma means grilled meat in Kiswahili. Every village on the main road has at least 1 choma zone or Choma palace! Packed busses are a common sight but the most striking is the amazing amount of backs filled with charcoal and the impact of deforestation of large areas along every road we travelled.